Ninja Gaiden Sigma, also known as Ninja Gaiden Σ, is an action-adventure gamedeveloped by Team Ninja for the PlayStation 3 video game console. It is a remake of Ninja Gaiden, which was originally released on the Xbox in 2004. A sequel, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2was released in 2009.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma features a number of modifications and new features. Amongst the new features are a new playable character, Rachel, the demon hunter as well as SIXAXIS support. In addition to the ability to view cut scenes outside of the story mode and the ability to unlock the original Ninja Gaiden. Yousuke Hayashi, the game's director, mentioned that the game will be receiving major additions via the PlayStation Network platform. The content was revealed to be three game modes, each one is priced at 315 Yen in Japan and $2.99 in the United States.
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